The Ukrainian Fortress City Built By A Black Man
The Ukrainian Fortress City Built By A Black Man Left: Plan of the Kherson Fortress in 1792 (Source: Wikipedia Commons ); Right: Portrait of General I.A.Hannibal - founder of the city of Kherson and the fortress (Credit: Kherson Guide ) Many students of Black history are familiar with the name of Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806), the astronomical genius of African descent who contributed to the earliest survey for the construction of the U.S. capital in Washington, D.C. But very few are aware that there was another Black man who supervised a similar project for a city in Europe. View of Kherson F. Ya. Alekseev (1755-1824) (Credit: Kherson Guide ) Kherson, a significant city in Southern Ukraine, was designed and co-founded by the eminent Russian general Ivan Gannibal (1735-1801). Gannibal, it seems, began his work shortly after the city was founded by General Grigory Potemkin, a favorite of Empress Catherine II. Inside the fortress walls, Gannibal include...