
Showing posts from 2018

Race, IQ, and Social Progress

Image Credit: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout Let's talk about this thing called IQ. 🤔 It seems that race and IQ are always a hot topic. I personally don't understand the hype about IQ but some people think that it is the gospel truth. They swear by it as if there is nothing else that be used to measure intelligence. Then they want to compare intelligence between people and groups of people, hoping to make a statement about how they rank or how some people are smarter or dumber than others. Human nature is to be competitive. It is competition for resources (and to some, for the control of those resources) which has enabled the survival of certain individuals and wider cultures over others. Against this background, we have people who hold an obsession with IQ. They take it quite literally. They go as far as to make claims based on the results about how measured intelligence ought to be used in the real world such as this one in